Video Killed the Photography Star, CBS is Putting Video Ads into Magazines
by dansaelinger
Photographers playing with video has become the rage lately and maybe these guys really are onto something because video has officially is made its way into print. September 18th will mark the day a moving image officially entered the world of print as CBS and Pepsi have teamed up to place an advertisement in Entertainment Weekly featuring a relatively small digital screen that displays video. The screen has a 320×240 resolution, can hold up to 40 minutes of video, and has about an hour battery life. I figured it wouldn’t be until magazines figured out a way to put their content out digitally that video would start factoring in. Looks like advertisers didn’t want to wait any longer. I’m very interested to see where this goes. This is the opening of a rather large can of worms. More on this at WSJ. There is a rough image of the ad on page at CNET.